So you can finally...

Do you recognize yourself here?
What this is about...
Addictions occur in many forms. Among the most common are addictions to alcohol and medication, but workaholism is also becoming more common.
Addictions not only affect the life of the person concerned, but also the entire social, family and professional environment.
Unfortunately, in most cases, classical therapies only lead to extremely unsatisfactory results, especially when they are considered in the long term. In practice, relapses of addicts are unfortunately the norm rather than the exception.
However, if classical therapy methods fail so often, it is legitimate to think about an alternative or to give it a fair chance. An alternative can be the help for effective self-help.

Instead of surrendering to a therapist, the affected person is supported by a coach in freeing himself from his addiction. This may sound almost too good to be true.
But this is exactly how the addiction-free coaching programme by Yevgeniy Bakumovski works. The goal is freedom from addiction and unrestricted health strength for the person concerned - without any side effects, shifts, overload etc.
What does self-healing look like in concrete terms? - When one encounters a new method for the first time, many questions arise. This is understandable and absolutely legitimate. After all, there are also many charlatans who promise healing but achieve nothing.
Addiction-free coaching with the aim of self-healing by the person concerned himself is characterised by the following features:

The Solution
Yevgeniy Bakumovski's addiction-free coaching focuses on working with and on the subconscious in combination with energy healing on a quantum level.
In concrete terms, it looks like a participant in the addiction-free coaching takes a break of 5-7 days (plus travel to and from work). This takes place in a public hotel in the countryside (and thus NOT in a clinic) - either in the Leipzig area or in the Bavarian Alps.
During these 5-7 days Yevgeniy Bakumovski works directly with the participants for a few hours every day. This way the instruments of the addiction-free coaching can be learned and applied step by step very easily.

Your Coach

Yevgeniy Bakumovski
Addiction-Free Coach
Yevgeniy was a professional volleyball player for about 20 years and also played for the German national team.
For his addiction-free coaching programme, he uses his innate talent to feel the energies of other people and to let people feel their own energy. In addition, he is trained in quantum healing, energy treatment, SHT, Qi Gong, Dao Yoga etc.
At LetGoBeFree, Yevgeniy personally conducts the addiction-free coaching with the participants. Here is Yevgeniy's video message about addictions for you:
The subject of addiction is a topic that usually requires absolute discretion. This wish of the persons concerned is also absolutely understandable. Therefore, only Yevgeniy himself is involved in LetGoBeFree. So all participants really enjoy absolute discretion!
This is how you apply...!
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If you want to know how you too can become addiction-free, then click here or on the following button.

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